Rising Action

The rising action happens in the Lone Islands in Narnian territory, but where slave trade exist even though it is forbidden by Narnian law.

Lucy, Edmund, Eustace, and Reepicheep are caught as merchandise by a slave trade. Caspian is bought by a man even before they are put at the slave market. The man who “buys” Caspian turns out to be the first lost lord. Lord Bern was banished from Narnia by Miraz. Lord Bern moved to the Lone Islands and married a woman there.

Bern bows to Caspian after it is revealed that he is King of Narnia. Then Caspian reclaims the islands for Narnia, and makes Lord Bern the Duke of Lone Islands.

(Chapter 4: What Caspian did there, pages 53 - 68)